Picking the Perfect Fireplace


On brisk nights, there’s nothing better than kicking off your shoes and cozying up to a warm fireplace. If you’re building your own home, the appeal is obvious. You want your home to be a retreat, and a fireplace can add resale value if you ever choose to sell. Once you’ve made the decision to install a fireplace, the next question is what kind to get. Here’s an overview of the different fireplace types:

Wood Burning:

This type of fireplace is a classic choice. Many homeowners appreciate the look and sound of a crackling wood fire. Even the scent is something people can admire. Great aesthetics come at a cost – these fireplaces are more difficult to maintain than other options. Ash builds up in wood burning fireplaces and needs to be cleaned out every so often. You will also need to perform maintenance on the chimney if you want to keep flames burning. Make sure you have somewhere to store extra logs, because you’ll need plenty of them.


Valued for their efficiency, gas fireplaces are a logical choice for many people building a home. These fireplaces find their spark with natural gas rather than wood. A more natural look can be achieved with ceramic logs. Gas fireplaces can be built much like wood burning options with venting through a chimney. They are very easy to use – to turn them on you only need to flip a switch. The downside of gas fireplaces is that you’ll never quite get the rustic ambiance that comes with burning real wood.


A fireplace powered by electricity is a great example of a functional home solution. These fireplaces require no venting since there’s no actual flame. Like gas fireplaces, there is no maintenance necessary because ash is not left over. Don’t worry about frequent trips to the store – you’ll never need to purchase logs. Electric fireplaces produce heat from metal coils. None of that heat is wasted; it all goes directly into the room. Realistic faux flames are created from a light bulb and refracted light. The downside to these fireplaces is that they do not produce as much heat as other options and may be viewed as more temporary than a traditional fireplace.

No matter which of the fireplace styles you prefer, you’re in for comfy nights with friends and family. A fireplace can be a statement piece or complement other elements in the room. As they become more desirable for buyers, there’s even more reason to explore options that ignite your comfort.

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